2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
IMDB #76 [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062622/]
The Gist:
Well, it's a pretty weird movie. But it's very beautiful and for the most part it moves very well and I suppose I'll be thinking about what I make of the more abstract, transformative ending for a little while. I've actually seen the ending before in a film class and wondered what meaning it would take on in the context of the rest of the film. When I think about it, the meaning of the Star Child isn't too obscuring which is good because it allows the smaller details of the film to be studied in its relation rather than being too hung up on some "what does it mean?" obstruction. Also I really enjoyed its meditative quality, but I still think I might have cut down ten or fifteen minutes because I honestly think you could have gotten across the same feeling without isolating some of your audience. But then again, in retrospect, the longer the film goes on the more you dwell on the meaning of its silence so its hard to say if cutting it would be the best choice after all. Anyway, I've never been a huge Kubrick fan but this film and Dr. Strangelove are justifiably great films
On Another Note:
In regard to my feelings on Kubrick, I feel that The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut, and to a lesser extent Clockwork, are overrated.
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