Food, Inc.
The Gist:
Well I read a review that sort of summed up my feelings on the film and I'm tempted to post it but instead I'll just talk. So basically there are two main sources that cover the material that is in this film, I've read neither of these books but I get the feeling from watching the film that I should have read the books. Is the film bad? No, god no. But it is limited, and it lacks focus, and most importantly it has this sprawling nature to it that would doesn't quite fit as well in a film medium. While watching it I just got a general feeling that all my food was fucked up except maybe some organic shit, and that chickens are genetically altered to have larger breasts because people like white meat and so the chickens are all crazy and can't stand up and also that the soy bean company is like the fucking mafia. Despite my problems with the actual filmmaking there's no doubt that the content of the film is staggering. However the editing is awkward and imprecise, it was not structured well, and it only made me read the book so I could feel like I had a better handle on the situation instead of this vague feeling that everything I eat is fucked. Documentaries should be able to take and issue and meticulously peel back the layers to its audience. Food, Inc. suffers from taking too many issues within that broad topic of food and not being able to give us a clear direction for the film.
On Another Note:
The two big books that I must now read on the subject are Fast Food Nation which you've probably heard of since they made a crappy movie out of it (don't ask me how that happened), and also In Defense of Food which I at least haven't really heard of.
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