Les Diaboliques (1955)
IMDB #177 [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0046911/]
The Gist:
After the awesomely pretentious "FIN" at the end of the film, there is a brief address to the audience saying, roughly, "Don't be devils! Don't tell your friends about what goes on in this film. Let them enjoy the film for themselves" or something like that. That puts me in a difficult position to sum up the story because so much of what I enjoyed about the film is encapsulated by this weird ambiguous final scene which I guess I can't talk about. Anyway, the film is a sort of suspense film along the lines of a French Hitchcock flick (it was even said that Hitchcock drew inspiration from this film for Psycho), and it loses something because you know whatever metaphysical aspect the film delves into is going to be grounded in the realism of French cinema. So if you're paying attention you can see a big reveal coming from a mile away. However, it's all saved by the final scene, and honestly the film plays out exceedingly well all the way through, largely because of very convincing performances and excellent scenes that dramatize the events perfectly.
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