The Fly (1986)
The Gist:
The creation of Brundle-Fly! Half scientist Seth Brundle, half house fly, all crazy manic sugar eating wall climbing body deteriorating goodness. In Cronenburg's remake of the original (something I still haven't seen), we jump rather quickly into a romance between scientist and investigative reporter that is sidetracked by a drunken night where Jeff Goldblum jumps into his teleportation device without much safety precautions verified (it had only turned an orangutan inside out a few scenes beforehand) and gets his genes spliced with a fly and spends the rest of the movie turning into a monster while making odd scientific observations about his process and getting into arm-wrestling matches at the local bar. A good time to be had by all, even though by the end the sheer wig out factor of this film is pretty high. For instance, a jaw just drops off of Brundle-Fly's face and flops on the floor like a fish. That part was pretty gross.
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