4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days (2007)
The Gist:
I've never been someone who gets overly disturbed in films. With the rare exception, horror films and suspense films don't really engage me on a level where I fear for the characters lives, where I feel myself knotted up with anxiety. Those few films that manage to instill such emotion in me generally stay with me for a while, and I can honestly say that 4 Months is one of those films. The film is set in Romania, where a woman helps her friend get an illegal abortion in a 1980s setting that apparently was so conservative that the act could land them both in jail. The ordeals they have to go through and the general trama that the abortion inflicts by itself lends such gravity to the film that I felt a bit sick after watching it (more so than Irreversible, if you can believe that). Anyway, the acting, the careful minimalism, the beautiful ending scene where they sit in silence as you see cars pass through the reflection of the window...yeah.
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