From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
The Gist:
From Dusk Till Dawn is really two films in one smooth running time. The first half is a brilliant Tarantino dialogue driven post-heist escape to Mexico in the vein of something like Reservoir Dogs, only more twisted. Tarantino's character in particular is so demented in such a fascinating way that I pretty much fell in love with the film instantly. However, after Mexico the film takes up a different tact and it is this half that the film is known for. Essentially, what had started as a film with some depth and legitimacy somehow transitions into a highly stylized exploitation satire with vampires. I think that some who watch this film might find the shift disconcerting, but honestly both half of the films are awesome. They're just two films that fit together pretty well. Besides, any film that has a guy shooting a machine gun from his crotch has to be worth watching, right?
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